Holiday Shopping at your Fingertips

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Last Updated on April 2, 2019 by

This is my first year actively blogging during the holiday season and I am so thankful to be able to take advantage of the opportunity to partner with some small business women that I love and trust! These women have entrusted me with their business information and have fostered such great friendships to me that I hold so dear. Shop small businesses this holiday season!

Kathryn Sullivan:

Kat has been in my life since like middle school so she has seen me through my awkward growing phases and we developed our friendship through the many years of playing soccer together and going to the same schools. I love how she has branched out to create her own business involving cross-stitch! She has made some comical, heartwarming, and overall beautiful pieces! She is also open to custom orders if you’re looking for something even more unique.

“[Cross-stich] really helped me focus on small tasks during a really low time in my depression and turned into something that I could make that is super unique. I like being able to have things in my house that other people won’t have. I normally only make the same pattern once unless I really love it.”

You can find more of Kat’s unique gifts on her website:

You can see more of her work featured on her Instagram as well:

Alyssa Kiefert:

Alyssa and I also go back to high school days and finding our friendship through mutual friends. We have even more to do together nowadays being that our sons are close in age. I have learned staggering amounts about motherhood through her since she became a mom before I did. I am so happy that she has found her passion in literature for children! Being an early childhood educator myself, I thoroughly understand the passion in wanting to get young children interested in reading as soon as possible. She offers rich literature options for children of all ages and she has some suggestions below if you’re looking to start your Christmas shopping!

“My family is obsessed with Usborne Books & More (UBAM) Books! What started as me just attending a friend’s party to support her, turned into me starting something wonderful for my family. I didn’t think I was the type of person to sell for a direct sales company but once I realized how much my son loved the books, I knew it was something I had to share with others. I started doing a few online parties here and there.Eventually that led to a full calendar of online, in person, and book fair events that have kept me busy. Of course I have taken a few breaks on occasion, but that’s the beauty of this business… being able to spend time with my family whenever I want (oh, and that awesome discount).”

Some of her family’s absolute favorite books are:

All Better – a really cute interactive book to teach little ones that if you “clean it, kiss it, put a bandage on it” then it can make everything all better. It comes with cute reusable stickers to place over the ouchies

That’s not my Truck – one of many books from our “That’s not my…” series. These books are designed to help with language and sensory development. Meant for babies and toddlers, any book from this series is something I highly recommend.

Nibbles the Book Monster – this is such a cute story about a book monster, Nibbles, who chews his way through a couple classic fairy tales. It’s cute, funny, and perfect for the entire family to enjoy!

Muddle and Match Monsters – this book comes from the “Muddle and Match” series. There are so many fun stories you can make with each book. The pages are mix and match to create tons of fun stories and are filled with amazing alliterations!

Of course I can’t forget about our awesome chapter books! We have them for little ones just starting out, or even more advanced levels. Some favorites include Billie B. Brown and Hey, Jack! for the younger crowd. Star of Deltora and The Mapmaker Chronicles are some of the favorites for older readers, including adults!

Alyssa’s direct site can be found here:

She also has a business page:

And you can follow the awesome adventures she and her son get into:

Brie Blair Lizardo:

Brie has recently come into my life as we started working closely together this summer. She always offers me a hug when the days are rough and is a strong shoulder to lean on when I need help. I was fascinated by her drive to become a business woman when I learned that she had her own business setup already! Where she finds the time to be successful both at work and within her own business is remarkable. She’s clearly Super Woman!

“I make homemade and custom made gifts. The gifts I make are scrapbooks, collages, cards, calendars, gift bags,gift boxes, banners, and paper flowers. When I decided I wanted to have my own business, I was making gifts for my friends and my family and then it turned into a hobby and now into a business. I love creating gifts for other people to share, enjoy, and to make them smile.”

Custom orders can be placed through both of Brie’s sites!You can also find more of her work through her photo galleries:

Happy Shopping!

May your Christmas shopping be less of a hassle now that you have unique, creative, and useful gift ideas at your fingertips. Happy shopping!????????

Have you shopped small businesses for the holidays? What unique gifts have you found? I can’t wait to hear about them in the comments below!


Let me know your thoughts!