Blogmas Update

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Last Updated on December 31, 2018 by

The blogmas challenge is nearly completed! My goal was to post everyday from December 1st up to December 25th and while I still have a couple more days before this challenge is finished, I wanted to take some time to reflect on my posts up to this point.

So this post should be post #23 (because today is the 23rd of December), but actually it is post #13. I fell off my blogmas wagon a couple of days here and there due to a severe illness my son was suffering from. I tried to post sporadically during his sickness, but it became too much at the time when I needed to focus all my attention on him.

While I didn’t accomplish posting consecutively for 25 days straight, I did learn a tremendous amount about myself as a writer and about other people in ny life. I completed my first collaboration piece where I featured three friends and their small businesses. I also wrote about the heart breaking experience of losing my grandmother right after Thanksgiving. I found things out about myself through this journey and feel that my blogmas series showed me what I’m capable of as a writer.

Next year, hopefully I am able to plan ahead better and can dedicate more time to each post. I plan to attempt blogmas again and I look forward to comparing the positive changes I see from 2018 to 2019.

I hope you have enjoyed my blogmas series! Still have two more to post.

What topics should I consider covering next time? Did you have a favorite post that I published during blogmas? I look forward to hearing from you in the comments!



Let me know your thoughts!