Tag: Work

Reflecting on 2018

As the year draws closer and closer to the end with each passing day, I can’t help but to review how much my life and my world have changed in 2018. While choices made were difficult and emotional, I am who I am today because of this year and what I have learned the last […]

Dom & John (Vol. II)

My morning routine consists of a few stretches, some sharpening of my claws, and a partial bath (because I usually save the deep cleaning for the evening when I can use a human’s lap as a wash basin). If I don’t hear footsteps upstairs by the time I have finished preparing for the day, I […]

The Struggle

Today was a test of my patience and abilities as I learn to understand the responsibilities of my new position. I don’t want to dwell on negativity, but this day impacted me so much that I felt the need to journal about it and decide what to do to turn the day around. Recently, my […]